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    Главная » 2022 » Май » 7 » PSKOV: SIGHTS

    In our region, especially beautiful and smiling girls with an expressive sparkle in their eyes and a blush on their cheeks. They are smart and charming. Pskov guys match them, strong, hardy, and it's no coincidence that we have the famous airborne division, where brave guys are ready to defend the Motherland at any moment. The smooth surface of the lake, the greenery of the trees, the singing of birds, the murmur of the stream – everything here evokes a special mood of peace and tranquility.
       The sights of Pskov, its long history creates a unique aura of mystery, ancient fortresses are full of secrets, the legendary walls of the Pskov Kremlin keep the memory of millennia.
    Rest and travel for children and adults in our region will be unforgettable.

    Pskov region can be called a precious pearl that adorns our country — ancient fortresses, noble estates and parks, picturesque villages and cozy cities with unique cultural traditions. There are about 4 thousand monuments of federal and local significance on the territory of the Pskov region. Many of them are real masterpieces of architecture, evidence of the skill of Russian architects of the XII—XIX centuries. The Pskov region is associated with the names of Vasily Tatishchev, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Alexander Blok, Dmitry the Philosopher and, of course, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, whose estates appeared in Pskov region in the XVIII — early XX century.

    All districts of the region are attractive not only for their rich historical and cultural heritage, but also for the splendor of the landscapes. To this day, stone fortresses in Pskov, Izborsk, Porkhov, Pechora remain witnesses of the glory, wealth, greatness and spiritual power of the free Veche city. So, the ancient fortress of Old Izborsk seems to be "inscribed" into the landscape — as if it repeats the shape of the hill on which it rises. One of the towers of the fortress offers a beautiful view of the Izborsko-Malskaya Valley and Gorodishchenskoe Lake, where snow-white swans swim gracefully. 
    The hang glider over the Great River disturbed the silence again,
    From the wing, multicolored highlights confused the river wave.
    Walls, towers — slaves of the echo, the crackle of the motor carrying up — 
    Sadly saying: "Well, what's the fun? They hugged each other around the Kremlin."
    Vladimir Savinov.
        The ancient, picturesque Pskov land is an ideal place for tourism and recreation. Among the numerous and unique attractions of the Pskov region are: the center of the Pskov region (207.1 thousand people) with architectural monuments of the XII—XVII centuries; Izborsk with a fortress and a cathedral of the XIV century; the State Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin; the house-museum of M. P. Mussorgsky in the village of Naumov; the protected estate of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in Lyubensk and many others. The Khilovo balneogryazevy resort operates in the region. This is the only unique resort in the Northwest with a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide in therapeutic silt mud and mineral waters.

    In ancient times, the Finno-Ugric tribes of the Chudis lived here; since the VI century, the Slavic tribes of the Krivichi and Slovenes appeared. From the IX—X centuries, the region was part of the Novgorod land of Kievan Rus, at the same time the ancient Russian cities of Izborsk and Pskov appeared. The prosperity of the Pskov lands was ensured by their advantageous location on important waterways along the Velikaya River, Pskov and Peipsi Lakes to the Baltic States, developed crafts, trade with the Baltic lands and Western European cities.

    Of the numerous clashes of the Pskov people with the Livonians and Swedes , the most famous were the Battle of the Neva in 1240 and the Battle of the Ice in 1242 . With the emergence of St. Petersburg, Pskov region lost its foreign trade significance. In the XIX century, the basis of the Pskov province's economy was the cultivation, processing and sale of flax.
    The modern Pskov region is an important area of mechanical engineering and flax processing in the North-West of Russia.


    This land is called the land of a thousand lakes.
    Pskov region is not only a land of ancient history and unique culture, but also a picturesque land of forest lakes and clean air. You can find many corners, amazingly beautiful with the charm of untouched nature. This land is called the land of a thousand lakes. There are large lakes in the region, such as the Pskov-Peipsi reservoir, which ranks third in Europe by area, and very tiny lakes hiding in the depths of forests. The water in the forest lakes is crystal clear, the branches of pine trees and the endless blue sky are reflected in it, as in a mirror. Large and small, lost in the wilderness of the forest and rising to a height from which the surroundings are easily viewed — like lapis lazuli gems, they are set in the dark and light greenery of coniferous and deciduous forests. Lakes have huge natural resources. They contain the most expensive mineral on Earth — fresh water. The lakes of the Pskov region are both natural fishing grounds and places where aquatic plants that are highly nutritious for representatives of the animal world grow. 

        The fish of the Pskov lakes are heterogeneous in origin. Here there are representatives of the Arctic and residents of southern reservoirs, temperate latitudes and even natives of the tropics: perch and crucian carp, characterized by great unpretentiousness; whitefish, grouse, snetok, burbot — inhabitants of fresh Arctic reservoirs; bream, pike perch, gustera, bleak, rudd — natives from the south. In some Pskov reservoirs there lives an eternal wanderer — an eel. In terms of taste, it has no equal among Pskov fish. Its fat content reaches 22-32%. The nature of the eel has long been a mystery to scientists. The eel feeds at night at the bottom, burrows in the silt during the day. On wet grass, it can crawl from one reservoir to another.


    The surroundings of the lakes are also notable in ethnographic terms. Here lives a small ethnic group "Setu", which separated from the Estonian majority in the XIII century. Setu adopted a peculiar way of life and customs from their Russian neighbors, although their language remained Estonian. 

        The Gorodishchenskoye and Malskoye lakes look especially picturesque. They seem to be squeezed by two steep high slopes of an ancient valley in the area of Old Izborsk. 
    V. Kistochkin in the book "The path of the legendary Trouvor" writes: "He (the traveler) will be struck by the richness of natural beauty, the complexity of the relief, the smooth surface of lake mirrors and the crystal purity of icy water, either gushing fountains from the ground, or bursting out with splashing jets from the crevices of vegetation-covered rocks." The more than 1100-year history of Izborsk, its unusually picturesque surroundings attracted the attention of famous Russian artists N. K. Roerich, S. A. Vinogradov, N. P. Bogdanov-Belsky and others at various times. And, of course, they left their mark in their work.

    The nature of Pskov region
    The forest turns lacy, pink in the morning,
    The spider climbed up the web.
    The merry dew is shining.
    What an air! What a light! What a beauty!
    It's good to walk on oats in the morning,
    To see a bird, a frog and a wasp,
    Listen to the sleepy throat-cock,
    To exchange with a distant echo: "Ha-ha-ha!"
    Ah, I like to shout aimlessly in the morning…

    Igor Severyanin

       The nature of Pskov region is peculiar: uplifted ridges of hills resembling mountain relief; vast flat plains occupied by agricultural land and lush multicolored meadows; large swamp massifs with representatives of the flora of the polar latitudes; dark and light coniferous and mixed forests with century-old firs and pines; oak forests, so reminiscent of the landscapes of central Russia.
    In the Sebezhsky National Park 650 rare plant species
    Sebezhsky National Park. The nature of the region is preserved in its original form in the Sebezhsky National Park. It is a unique natural oasis where 650 rare plant species can be found. The park is home to more than 200 species of birds. But it is not only nature that attracts people to the Sebezhsky National Park: here you can find settlements dating back to the Stone Age and fantastic medieval buildings. 

       And the distances here, in the very south of the Pskov region, are really reckless and bright. Here, as in the song, you will not immediately understand: either the sky has fallen into the lake, or the lake is floating in the sky. Lakes are more beautiful than each other. There is a huge monument to Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky on a high hill above Zhizhitsky Lake. The great composer looks sternly at the remains of his native village of Karevo. In sunny weather, a fascinating picture opens up: as far as the eye can see — a huge lake, above it — a huge sky and Pskov nature, beautiful in its inconspicuousness, some modest beauty. 

       In Velikiye Luki, you can walk along the earthen ramparts on the river bank, left over from the ancient fortress. On the way to the Pushkin Mountains, the road through Loknya — Bezhanitsy— Novorzhev in combination with the surrounding landscapes, clouds and sunlight is extremely picturesque. The famous landscapes of Mikhailovsky can give an idea of these beauties. Near Izborsk and Pechora, the proximity of the western border is felt: farms — instead of villages, many buildings made of stone. 
    The town of Pechora, just a few kilometers from the Estonian border, is known for the Pskov-Pechora Monastery. The monastery, founded in the XV century, was never closed, since during the Soviet rule the Pechora was part of Estonia. The monastery is surrounded by walls with towers, the buildings inside are painted in unexpectedly bright colors. Nearby are the famous caves, in which, as they say, about 11 thousand people are buried. 

       The Velikaya River is the largest river in the Pskov region, with a total length of 430 km. The city of Pskov is located in the lower reaches of the river, a few dozen kilometers from the confluence (delta) of the Velikaya River into Lake Pskov. In the city and downstream, the river winds quite strongly, maintaining the general direction of flow to the northwest. Such "ornateness" of the riverbed leads to the formation of many different places — rifts, pools, ples, etc., very promising from the point of view of fishing for any gear. There are quite a lot of fish in the city. In addition, the fish is quite suitable for food, since the water in the river even below the city limits is quite clean — for example, there are witnesses who have observed live crayfish with their own eyes in the rocky placers under the Svyatogorsky monastery. 

       Pushkin State Reserve, which united places closely connected with the life and work of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, includes the villages of Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, Voronich settlement, Savkin Hill, Svyatogorsky Monastery with the grave of A. S. Pushkin. The reserve is located almost in the very center of the Pskov region, 112 km south of Pskov. On its territory there are two beautiful lakes — Kuchane (Petrovsky) and Malenets. The picturesque Sorot River flows through the meadows; more than half of the reserve's area is occupied by a pine forest. Through his whole life A. S. Pushkin carried a passionate love for this beautiful corner of the Russian land. He came here in 1817 and in 1819, spent two years of exile here (1824-1826). Here, "closer to the sweet limit," he bequeathed to bury his ashes. The years the poet lived in these places left an indelible mark on his life and work. He was surrounded by a unique nature in its beauty. At the Svyatogorsk fairs, Pushkin communicated with people of different classes, listening to the figurative folk speech. He loved to visit the Voronich settlement and Savkina Hill, connected with the history of Russia. In Mikhailovsky, Trigorsky, Pokrovsky I observed the village life and life of that time. Such a wealth of impressions contributed to the development of the poet's creative genius. Over a hundred works of art were written here by Pushkin. 

    Greetings, desert corner,
    A haven of peace, work and inspiration,
    Where is the invisible stream of my days flowing
    In the bosom of happiness and oblivion.
    I am yours. I have exchanged the vicious court for Circe,
    Luxurious feasts, amusements, delusions
    To the peaceful noise of the oak trees, to the silence of the fields, 
    For free idleness, a friend of reflection
    A. S. Pushkin

       Features of national hunting
    There is an opinion among supporters of Darwin's teaching that hunting has become one of the main motivating reasons for the transformation of monkeys into humans. More like a joke. However, the ancient authors, apparently, especially honoring hunting, borrowed the brightest and, to the highest degree, poetic comparisons from hunting life. It is enough in this connection to recall Homer or the Bible, where, in particular, it is mentioned about the hunter Esau (unfortunately, who lost his birthright just for a lentil soup). Herodotus, the founder of history as a science, cites the following facts in his treatises: "Education among the Persians boils down to the fact that young people were taught to ride, shoot arrows and tell the truth." He is echoed by Xenophon, who claimed that "hunters develop bodily strength, fine hearing, sharp eyesight and good health by this occupation." One of the first works devoted to the theory and practice of hunting is attributed to the great Aristotle, the educator of Alexander the Great, who himself was a passionate hunter. However, not all the reigning personages shared a passion for hunting. For example, Peter the Great, by his own admission, did not like such a pastime. His statement on this subject has come down to our days: "This is not my fun," he said, "And without animals I have someone to fight with: outside the fatherland — with an audacious enemy, and inside — to tame my rude and restless subjects." And yet, if hunting was a means of having fun for the royal court, then for ordinary people it still remains a way to replenish the diet. The main feature of the Pskov region is the populations of game animals compared to other regions of Russia, favorably differ for the better. Elk, wild boar, roe deer, fox, raccoon dog, wolf — their numbers have grown significantly in recent years. The only correction: victory over an animal in our time can not always end with a shot. A concession to civilization: for some, the moral satisfaction of their victory is enough. And you can replace the animal's murder weapon with a photo weapon. 

       Many cities of the Pskov land are unique monuments of ancient Russian architecture and defense art. Winding bizarrely between the limestone banks, the Velikaya River calmly carries its waters to the north, taking in numerous tributaries along the way. Its clear waters slowly flow past century-old pine trees and powerful walls of ancient structures. The most beautiful lakes, surrounded by forests, through which the river flows, beckon with pristine water. The beauty is unwritten. Through the water column on the sandy bottom, every pebble and flocks of passing fish are visible. The current gently sways long algae, resembling a wonderful soft carpet. The blue water reflects the green tops of pine trees and white clouds. The crowns of trees, the trunks of which are washed away by the current, bent down, forming a living arch over the river. On hot days, the air, infused with the smell of pine resin and flowering herbs, intoxicates the head. Drop the oars and the river itself will carry you to the next lake surrounded by meadows and forests. On the shore, between the meadow and the forest, the village huts are picturesquely scattered. Perhaps this is the idyll.

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