Воскресенье, 09.02.2025, 00:37
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    Главная » 2009 » Октябрь » 6 » Отдых и путешествия будут незабываемы у тех, кто приедет в Псков и его окрестности!
    Отдых и путешествия будут незабываемы у тех, кто приедет в Псков и его окрестности!

    Pskov is one of the most interesting Russian cities. Its history and beauty are magnificent, its life is full of quiet dignity.
    Welcome to Russia. Welcome to Pskov.

    Trip to Pskov

    Pskov - (280 km from St.Petersburg). The history of the Pskov Land dates over 1100 years back. The Pskov Land is home to 372 monuments of federal significance, 3588 monuments of local significance and475 newly discovered legacy objects. The number of monuments, primarily architectural and archeological, puts Pskov into one of the leading positions in Europe. The city is the richest treasury of Russian culture. Today you can still see the rarest monuments of Old Russian architecture- fortification, civil and cult, as well as of monumental painting- the worldwide known frescos of Mirozhsky Monastery with the Cathedral of Transfiguration of Crist listed by UNESCO among the monuments of global significance (12th c), Snetogorsky Nunnery (14th c) and Meletovo Monastery (15th c),two ancient fortresses of Old Izborsk (14th century, 30km from Pskov) and Pechory(16th century, 90kmfrom Pskov),a pearl of Old Russian architecture - the Pskov Kremlin , crowned by the Holy Trinity Cathedral with a 17th-century iconostasis, 400 thousand exhibits, including the unique collections of the Old Russian art, fancy silver, decorative appliances, ancient books and manuscripts.

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